During my 3-day lesson plan, I had the students complete a project that interprets the theme of the speech we had read in regards to Pearl Harbor. One of the students drew a fish and then colored it several colors. I asked him why he was coloring it different colors, he stated that it got blown up in the bombing and everything got mixed in. All I could do was nod. 
On this particular, I observe the math teacher using humor to lighten the classroom atmosphere. One of the students was off task, and the teacher yelled at him for talking. Then teacher then turned around and told the student that when he talks the sound bounces off his bald head and that's why he did not have any hair. All the students laughed.
On this particular day, I was helping a student with his math assignment. The student did not understand how - 1 - 6 equals - 7. So I'm trying to explain it to him, going all around the world of course. Then teacher says if you owe me $1 and Ms. Cutter $6, how much do you owe all together? The student was like "oh, I get it".
Today was my Birthday...and yes I was doing lab experience. Talk about dedication. What I enjoyed most was that the students remembered that it was my birthday and sung for me. I felt so special and overcome with joy. The one thing that gave me the most chuckle was one student. He was quiet and not nearly as talkative as he usually is. I asked him what was wrong. He looked up at me and said "I think you're the one who needs a hug since you're here on your birthday". "I feel bad for you." 
This was my very first lab date. On this day, I observe the students reading the play, A Raisin in the Sun. I was saddened because one of the students really wanted to read but the other students keep protesting against it. The teacher allowed three of the students to dominate the reading. Every time a male part came up he politely raised his hand but was bypassed each time. I wanted to yell, "Please just let him read, teachers should be fair" but I just listened quietly.
    Latoyia Cutter is a student in  Masters of Art Teaching Program at Georgia Regents University. She is also a parent of an exceptional child and cares deeply about all children.